Κυριακή 19 Οκτωβρίου 2014

Έκκληση βοήθειας από τον π. Βαρνάβα, ορθόδοξο ιεραπόστολο στην Αϊτή. SOS from Orthodox Christian mission in Haiti.

Ο π. Βαρνάβας, ο Αϊτινός ορθόδοξος ιεραπόστολος, κάνει έκκληση στις Ορθόδοξες Εκκλησίες της Αμερικής και όλου του κόσμου να βοηθήσουν τη συνέχιση της λειτουργίας του Ορθόδοξου σχολείου της Αϊτής με 400 παιδιά. Ο Θεός να φωτίσει τους δωρητές! Η επιστολή είναι στα αγγλικά.


Dear beloved Fathers and brothers in Christ,
I pray and hope that you are well. I am Father (Barnabas) Jean Euginst Jerome of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Mexico City. I am serving the Greek Orthodox Church of Haiti for more then twenty years. As you know, due to the recent catastrophic earthquake in Haiti four years ago, our mission has lot of damages most likely in our buildings, the school building and the Church as well. Yet, we continue our works with lots of difficulties but the important things we are still serving our Haitians brothers and sisters.
In the perspective to keep our mission work going l am asking your financial support IMMEDIATELY, the Orthodox Mission Ministry of Haiti is facing great disaster problem. A year ago, my friend Costa Mavraganis has sent numbers of emails to many churches in America with hope to get some financial support from you in order to help our mission going, sadly no positive answer, very few of you has done your best to help and we appreciated so much those of you whom has contributed in the past, as your colleague priest lam making a new urgent appeal to you, I ask that you help pass this message to your faithful since it is important to rise Haiti Mission.
Our mission is at the last minute to be close lack of funds of back rent payment for the church building, the school building as well and teachers as well, as you know we have a school of 400 children going on, this is the only way that we can help these children to get some education but we have no support to keep this going. School is opening next week here in Haiti but not ours because of the difficulty of financial.
We are putting some pictures of our works at www.handsofhumanity.org please have a quick look at that website and share this with your people so they might help us from this difficulty that we are facing. Our goal is to keep the Orthodox Mission alive here in Haiti since there is a need for the Orthodoxy here, but we really having big problems now and we call you for urgent really urgent help. Please be sure anything you give will come directly 100% to Haiti and will go where it should be going and will use for the noble cause. Let us react positively as the good Samaritan, it is an urgent appeal and l am praying that you understand the reason of this letter to you. Maybe your faithful will be willing to sponsor one of the child from our website which would be a great help for us too since our needs are multiple. Please look what you can do to assist us. No matter how little it would be but for us here in Haiti it will be a lot to us.
Whatever assistance you may be able to offer will be helpful to us do not ignore this letter to you please. I am writing because we have the urgent needs please help as little as you can it will be much for us and share it with your congregation as well. Let me keep my mission alive so we can spread the orthodoxy to all of those whom need to know the true light. Please Father Talk with a few members of your parish and help us please. Whatever you offer will be appreciated to us.
Many people believe things are well here in Haiti for us but it is not true. We need support. Please whatever organization of orthodox that you may be please no polemic help us in any amount that you can. Since after the earthquake things are very bad for us. If God put enough in your plate it is because he wants you to help others like us.
If Simon helped Jesus carry the cross he did this for you to understand the meaning of helping to us. Please do like Simon help us.
As I said early let us help wherever you are we all are orthodox doing the same work please, please and please help us..
Please we have an emergency needs and I require your financial support, send your contribution to the address in the website or direct deposit for the urgent support. Please be free to contact Costa at 973 462 0702.
In Christ,
Father Barnabas Jerome


Father Barnabas        




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